Monday, October 30, 2017

Dear Praying Friends,
Time has slipped by since the last update.  It has been a busy but blessed couple of months since the last post.  First we praise the Lord for our 14th wedding anniversary celebrated in September.  In that period of time God has blessed us with three wonderful children and taken us half-way around the world to serve Him at Grace Baptist Church.  He has also blessed us with you, those who've been reading this blog and praying for us!
In October we celebrated another anniversary, Grace Baptist Churches' anniversary.  The Lord has blessed Grace with another year of serving Him in the Watsonia community.  We had a wonderful service and a delicious lunch afterward.
Finally, the Lord blessed us with a good Creation Ministries night.  Dr. Don Batten spoke on Creation and Science.  It was a time for believers to have their faith strengthened and their minds equipped with the truth.  Our prayer is that the Lord would bless the witness of the people of Grace as they share these truths with their loved ones and friends.
Thank you for visiting this site and reading our updates.  We do not take it for granted.  May God bless you for taking the time to be a part of this ministry in prayer.

In Christ,
Mark Pitts and Family

Marshall feeding a black cockatoo

Creation Ministries Night

Family camping trip to Lorne

How do your kids help?  Lucy cleaning before set-up on Sunday.