Dear Praying Friends,
It is strange to be saying goodbye to July when the weather has been so cold. Someone reminded me that my anniversary is coming up quickly and I had to stop and think about it because of the difference in temperatures. September is usually a warm month after a warm summer, so I have been thrown off a bit by the cold in my thinking. Amazing how that happens.
Thank you for your prayers for the activities of the month of July they were truly blessed. The church game night was very well attended and it was a great time of fellowship. You really get to know someone when you face them in a game of Monopoly or Uno. Also, the go karting activity was chilly but went well. The final activity of this busy month was the Creation Ministries presentation. This was also well attended and there were several visitors. Please pray with us that we can reach out to those visitors that signed our guestbook and those who did not would return soon. Also, most importantly that the message presented would continue to work in hearts.
August is a little slower with activities, but please keep the transition of Grace in your prayers. Thank you again for visiting this site and your prayers are much appreciated. May God bless you for your prayer support.
In Christ,
Mark Pitts and Family