Dear Praying Friends,
The month of October has been a quick one, or so it seemed. The church celebrated another anniversary, we have had activities, and mixed throughout have been a couple of trips out of town. One of our trips in particular was a trip to Apollo Bay to spend some time with our missionary colleagues. The Lord has blessed us with several missionary couples that have shared their knowledge of the culture, the ministry, and their experiences. It was a pleasure to learn from them while on this trip and to just relax and enjoy their company.
At the end of the month of October we joined with Cornerstone Baptist for church camp. This year we had a special visitor, James Peavy. He and his wife Lauren with their young son, Michael, are raising support to serve in Australia. We remember so well the time spent on deputation, and our prayers go out to them as they follow the Lord. As of right now we have three missionary families on the field. Next year we will lose one family as they will retire and return to the States. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send workers here to Australia.
Please pray for us as we continue to establish the work here. May God bless you, and thank you for taking the time to read this update.
In Christ,
Mark Pitts and Family